Embrace Life

Find the right property to achieve your dreams via property investment strategy based on data and technology.

House hunting is an expensive and drawn-out process for most people. Research conducted by UBank reveals that searching for your dream home takes more than six months on average and costs $580 in expenses before an offer is even made.

Why does it take so long?
Because homebuyers don't know what they are looking for before jumping onto the property ladder. A survey by St George Bank revealed that over 62% of respondents claimed they do not have a strategy in place when attending an auction.

Most of the people just follow others without fully researh and thinking. The most of the worse, they purchased the wrong property in those suburbs which not suitable their finance situation, and this cause the big finance debt hunt their life and family.

People usually have lots of questions such as where to buy, apartment or house, city or suburbs. Unfortunately, they can't find the information, advice or solution directly from existing Real Estate web sites and RD reports. Myself and other individual proeprty investors all experienced the above pain and problems.

Also, buyers agencies and investors lack the data dashboard and tools to help with daily decision making from current Real Estate websites and RD reports alike.

To help the undecided, overwhelmed and time-poor individual buyer, I have come up with the business concept and website “Embrace Life”.

The tool provides multiple formats of various indicators and personal property strategy based on the individual situation to help with daily decision making, it can be purchased as an individual report or subscribed service.
